5 Ways to Jump Start Your Kid's Health This Year.
I'm not to candy coat it, my daughter likes to eat, sometimes too much. It's difficult to see her already starting terrible life habits....

You are the LIGHT of the world. Literally.
My husband is a youth pastor. Which basically means that I get to hear his sermons before he actually preaches them. I love giving him...

Sometimes, (most times)... Parenting SUCKS!
Caleb, my three year old, is running into the street with three cars coming screaming at the top of his lungs. I yell, "Caleb, COME...

How we REDEEMED Halloween.
I never grew up celebrating Halloween-unless it was at a church "harvest festival." I only remember one time that I actually just episode...

Yet, I WILL rejoice in the LORD.
When it rain it pours. Literally. I guess it all started during hurricane Matthew. I told Andrew to finally refill our attic insulation...

Messy Christianity.
I felt like all I did today was clean up. Muddy shoes, feathers from boas, dress-up hats, playing cards, jackets and toys. I finally sit...

This is my life.
It all started with 4 days of rain. After many days of being stuck inside the house, my kids and I decide to take an adventure. It has...

I Almost Didn't Survive Adulthood.
Depression. I remember times that I felt that I couldn't go on. I had suicidal thoughts starting at 12 years old. I couldn't take the...

"No Lives Matter"
It all started with a homeless woman, a drunk guy and some graffiti. I know it sounds like a start to a bad joke. But it's true. It was...

STOP Thinking Small
So my kids LOVE watching TV. It's a pretty rare occasion when they actually get to. They have to earn it, by doing their school time and...

Who do you want to be when you grow up?
I think instead of asking our kids, "WHAT do you want to be when you grow up?" I think we should be asking, "WHO do you want to be when...

Our First Day of Homeschool Kindergarten
So after a few years of contemplating the idea of homeschooling. I decided to finally make the leap this year after my photography...

What's Your Power Source?
I hate Sundays. With my husband being a youth pastor, his day starts at 6:30 AM and doesn't end until a short break for lunch at 2:00....

Ordinary Radicals: How a Cat and Some Marshmallows Let our Neighborhood Hear About Jesus
It all started with our cat, Thor. Our cat likes to escape the house sometimes. Most of the time he just stays in our backyard. But...

Be a Trailblazer, not Just a Butterfly Chaser.
I have moved over 25 times in my life. My dad was in the Air Force for 21 years. Before that, he was in the Naval reserves and before...