"I Don't Play With 'White' Girls:" What My Daughter Should Teach The World Abo
I'm sitting in the baby pool area of the local public pool. My five-year-old and my three-year-old are happily playing and jumping...

Moms: Get In Front of the Camera, You Won't Regret It.
When was the last time you were in a photo with your kids? You can't remember a time? I know the feeling. After my third kid, I dreaded...

Enjoy the Journey.
I was visiting my mother in Washington DC. My aunt and my cousins came to see us. They really wanted to sight-see with us in the city....

Parents: Stop Being Distracted, You're Missing Out!
I almost lost my son the other day at the beach. I was at the beach with my husband, my 5 year old daughter, my 3 month old son and my 3...

What this kitchen gadget and my five year old taught me about life.
I'm at the park (again.) It's a beautiful day the sun is shining and I nobody's here. I was actually really surprised. Usually at this...

What do people say about you? (or your church?)
The month of June has been a difficult month for humankind everywhere. From raids, to floods, to fighting, to even massacres. In the wake...

What Perfume Are You Wearing?
My five-year-old comes outside to see me and her dad talking at the picnic table in the backyard. She sits down with the thoughtful look...

The day I wanted to crawl into a hole and die at Chick-fil-A.
We were FINALLY having a "normal day. And when I mean by "normal," I mean: no fights (yet), no meltdowns, no pushing, no hitting- and we...

20+ Family Portrait Pose Ideas
I know that I struggle with poses while I'm working. It took me a LONG time to get comfortable to direct a family enough in a short...

I stopped "entertaining" my kids- this is what happened.
My husband had this idea to borrow an RV from a family at church so we can go "camping." The reason I put it in quotations is because as...

Virginia Beach, Ocean Front, First Landing State Park Staycations
My husband got someone to let us borrow an RV for the weekend. Boy, was he STOCKED! I am not much of a camper myself, but I thought that...

What I learned when I took MY OWN family photos
What do you do as a photographer when you want to take your own family photos? Hire someone else to do it of course! What if that person...

Why I gave my 5 year old a Go-pro and what I learned about photography.
So since the beginning, my five-year-old has become accustomed to me taking out my camera all the time and seeing me on the computer to...

"You can be replaced."
For those that don't know, my husband is a youth minister. We live in a small suburban town in Virginia. One misconception that I had...

Just Be.
Today I went to an outdoor hiking trail holding my new 3 week old son. All I did was listen to the birds and just observe everything that...