my goals for your budding photography business for this new year
These are my goals for your 2023 budding photography business 📣You learn how to shoot manual 99.9% of your problems will go away. All...

SEO hacks for photographers
These are my FAVORITE HACKS for photographers to boost your SEO. When are editing a session in Lightroom- Download Adobe Photoshop...

Newbie, business, owner, feeling, overwhelmed?
✅newbie business owner- This is for you: 🤯you might not all know about all the details and the ins and outs and the QuickBooks and the...

Presence over presents
Presence over presents Did you know according to one study done this year that 30% of Americans are still in debt from last year 2021...

Think 3 months ahead
🌿✅✅Pro tip of the Week business owners. Think three months ahead of time. 🌿🌿You are going into a Christmas season. Start three months,...
Are usb sticks dead? How are you delivering galleries?
Guys, are we still delivering USB sticks to clients? Is this a thing? Because I saw one of my groups somebody was like “I'm having...

Professional Photographers: Stop Gatekeeping knowledge and bullying other beginning photographers!
I am seeing so many things being flown around and all of these Facebook photography groups and Facebook small business groups. I am so...

Which website builder is best for my small photography small business?
Which website builder is best for your photo business? I built over 50 sites ranging from everything, from WordPress (www.Wordpress.com)Â ...

what website builder is best for SEO for my small photography business?
💻💻Which website company will give me the best SEO for my photo business? ✅SEO is not a cut and dry like “This website company is the...

Do these successful business habits first before paying for ads on google or facebook
Before you pay for Facebook and Google ads and pay Mark, Zuckerberg money to boost your stuff, Try these habits first. Post daily with a...

Stop growing your social media accounts like this!
Guys, if you're seeing stuff like this creep on your ads account and you're seeing all of these people, dm, you about stuff like this....