My two secret things that help me run creative a sustainable businesses
Let me share a lesson with you after 12 years of being in business. You need two things two things to keep you going. You need your...

9 time saving tips for small business owners
⏱️⏱️As a busy business owner, every second counts. It's crucial to find ways to save time and be more efficient. 📣📣Luckily, there are...

5 Small business ownership myths debunked
❌Myth: You need a lot of money to start a business. ❤️Reality: While capital is important, it's not the sole determinant of starting a...

are you a self-employed business owner and do you struggle with workaholism?
Being a business owner - it is very easy to become a workaholic and to have your identity in your success-In the likes, in the follows...

five Top reasons why you need a refresh your headshots yearly
The top five reasons why you should freshen up your professional headshots every year: 1. Keep your image up-to-date: Your professional...

What to do when you see other creatives at weddings and events
🎧*what to do when we see other creatives other venues and weddings: (a practical guide) 1.) 👋one say “hi” to them, 2.) ❤️compliment...

Need clients? Stop posting like this!
📣Having a hard time getting clients by just making a really nice image on canvas, sticking it on your social and then listening and...

Why you need a website as a small business
Credibility: 84% of users think that your business seams more reliable when it has a website, compared to only social media profiles your...

Color Trends for 2023 for logos and branding
Look at these beautiful trends for 2023 for your logo or branding ideas for your business. Here is an example of a beautiful and personal...

My favorite Stay-at-home-mom Passive income stream to make money - 100% profit
For the past 12 years, I've been a stay-at-home mom-and this is one of my many passive income streams that I do on my phone. So you're...

See these 2023 logo and branding trends
See these 2023 design trends for Branding. . . Let's see what you guys think. . Retro lots of 1990s graphics and analog Graphics, lots of...

SEO hacks for photographers
These are my FAVORITE HACKS for photographers to boost your SEO. When are editing a session in Lightroom- Download Adobe Photoshop...

Newbie, business, owner, feeling, overwhelmed?
✅newbie business owner- This is for you: 🤯you might not all know about all the details and the ins and outs and the QuickBooks and the...

Presence over presents
Presence over presents Did you know according to one study done this year that 30% of Americans are still in debt from last year 2021...

Think 3 months ahead
🌿✅✅Pro tip of the Week business owners. Think three months ahead of time. 🌿🌿You are going into a Christmas season. Start three months,...