HELP! My Photos Look so Yellow! (How to set a custom white balance on your camera)
Did you know that your camera "Auto" white balance sometimes makes your photos look yellowish? Here is a little video about how to set...

How To Capture Fast Moving Subjects (Including Children!)
So let's talk about taking pictures of children outside running around. They are crazy fast! You turn your back for one second and boom,...

What a Makes a Good Instagram Photo?
I loved the response that I got from "How to take better iphone photos." If you didn't read my previous blog post, then you can read it...

How to take better iphone photos!
So I usually post about how to take great pictures with a DSLR. But let's be honest. Most people don't own one. Most people just have...

How To Photography: DIY $6 In- Home Photobooth
I get a lot of questions like "How do I do a simple in-home photo booth?" or "Can you do a photobooth for my event?" After watching this...

Why Caring Less In Parenting Has Helped My Sanity
My husband will tell you that I am a very neat and organized person naturally. I am constantly cleaning the house, doing laundry,...

What I Learned About Photography From 10 Minutes Outside in the Snow
So we live in Southern Virginia, where when it does snow, it's only like for 6 inches or less. So of course the kids are excited about...

How to Tell a Story with Candid Photos
My parents were over this weekend. I didn't take many pictures total. But it was raining/snowing/sleeting outside! One thing I always...

How to Take GREAT vacation photos!
Every year, my family takes a vacation. We've done Floriday, Disney World, Staycations, Amusement parks... all sorts of different...

$5 Huge "Kid-Friendly" Wall Art
Since it is January, and it's cold outside. I wanted to entertain the kids for at least 30 mins! I had an old canvas drop cloth from...

What First Camera Should You Buy?
I get a lot of questions like "Will you talk about what camera to buy?" or "What should be my first lens?" Or "How do you use a flash?" I...

Is It Worth The Money? Hampton Roads Kid's Attractions.
Busch Gardens Pros: My daughter LOVES rides. There are several areas of the park that has rides for children. My two year old son is...

My Worst Homeschooling Pinterest Fails
So being a homeschool mom, I am on Pinterest A LOT! Here are some of the projects I have done in the last year that have bombed! But I...

How To Instill Music Appreciation in Young Children
My husband and I met in the Marching Band in College, so Music was a huge part of our educational experience. When we had children. My...