A Special Message for the Next Generation: It's About The WHO.
Jesus is offering us life abundantly but all we can think about is our own prosperity Life is better when you give it all away When...

Feeling Stressed? Feeling Pressure? Good.
I know this might not be something you'd want to hear right now but praise God that you're being thrown into the fire. Praise God th

You're Not Strong Enough To Handle This
So I'm a pastor's wife. That means that I have the perfect life right? Ha! My day starts at 3:00 in the Morning to tears from my 11 month...

"You can be replaced."
For those that don't know, my husband is a youth minister. We live in a small suburban town in Virginia. One misconception that I had...

Just Be.
Today I went to an outdoor hiking trail holding my new 3 week old son. All I did was listen to the birds and just observe everything that...

My Life As A Beautiful Mess
I've had a rough morning. No, I'm not going to lie, I've had a rough five years. Ever since I decided to stay home from working as a...