How to Photography: Four Ways to Spice up Your Christmas Photos
It's that time of year again. The time of year when you dust off your Christmas tree box from the attic and get out the decorations for...

How to Photography: Simple Night Photos
Just because the sun goes down, doesn't mean that you can't take AMAZING photos. You just have to be really creative! First, you need: a...

How to Photography: Pro Photos On a Budget
So I've been taking this amazing class on creative live called "Working with Flash." See it here for only $44 (https://www.creativelive.c...

How to photography: iphone photos 101
My husband just bought me flowers. So of course, what does any photographer do? Challenge myself to think outside the box and take photos...

Making your site more GOOGLE friendly
So you have a website. Yeah! Besides filling your facebook feed with your posts, what are some other ways for people to find out about...

Shooting RAW VS JPEG- Which one is right for you?
Did you know that your DSLR (or mirrorless) can save your photos into TWO different ways? Learn about why I ALWAYS shoot RAW and if that...

How To Find Extraordinary Light in Everyday Moments In Your Home
You might be thinking to yourself when you see another person's photos, "There is NO WAY I can get photos like that, my house is SO...

How to Tell a Story with Candid Photos
My parents were over this weekend. I didn't take many pictures total. But it was raining/snowing/sleeting outside! One thing I always...

How to take pictures of your kids in the Snow
So it FINALLY snowed here in Virginia, after a really warm and WIERD December. A week a go it was 75 degrees! So for those that don't...