Learn my website secrets!

So in the world of facebook and social media, is a website valuable? I would definitely say yes! Having all of your info and portfolio in one place is a great way to draw clients online.
First of all, see my video on how I do it!
Here are some of my pro tips:
1. Create new content often! You want people to always be interested in what you have to say. That way you appear fresh and relevant!
2. Keep the same fonts throughout the site!
3. Make slides for headers and services on powerpoint (if you don't know how to use photoshop)
4. Make your site easy to navigate and find things. Remember, you want to catch their attention and hold it longer than a minute!
5. Make a splash using video clips!
6. Use a testing website like http://peek.usertesting.com/ to get some great FREE feedback!
7. Make your work speak for itself with great photos. If you are not a photographer, than hire someone to take your photos! You will not regret it!
Like me on facebook: www.facebook.com/marshallartsstudio
follow me on instagram: www.instagram.com/chicamarsh
follow me on twitter: _MarshallArts_
Follow me on pinterest: www.pinterest.com/chicamarsh1