15 Ways to have a $5,000 wedding...

The average cost for a wedding in the US is over $30,000!. Yikes. Here are some great money saving tips to help you be within your budget!

1. Eloping or having a very small intimate wedding is a great way to save money. The average person eating at a wedding is over $68! When you keep your head count, it will save you tons! If you still want to celebrate with a large party, do it after the wedding at someone's backyard and have a barbeque!

2. Vintage dresses and consignment stores are really in right now. I have seen many a bride find a dress for under $300 through Etsy or a local consignment store. I even had a friend just buy a fun white dress from J.CREW for $98! Couple it will a cool hair piece and some funky heels and your in business!

3. Have a cookout complete with lawn games, bear and even a food truck! Don't forget about corn hole!

4. You can save on stationary buy using your phone to make a really cool save-the-date. With apps like Canva, Enlight, Adobe Spark, Phonto and more- you can put a really cool text on a picture! Apps like Free Prints gives you .. 1001 FREE printed photos (you only pay for shipping!)

5. Artificial flowers are awesome because they can last forever! Find a crafty BFF and make your own bouquets!

6. PLEASE don't skimp on a Pro photographer! But I know they can be expensive. Try to find one that does hourly shoots. Do a one hour session with just your spouse and your immediate family! At the reception/party, you can set up a DIY photobooth for the candid shots.

7. You want a sweet cake or alterations for your dress? Try to find someone locally that you can trade services with.

8. Make your own invites with some simply calligraphy, a xerox machine, some fancy paper and some little ribbons or doilies:

9. Especially if you get married during the day (which I highly recommend).. You can set up your own photo booth with a simple backdrop make of balloons, fringe table cloth, paper chains or anything else you can think of!

10. Do you know someone with a sweet vacation home or a beach house? Ask them to have your wedding there! Pay for the clean up and any other incidentals that might happen though, just in case.

11. A state park is a great and cheap place to get married at! Try to find one with a great gazebo or an overhang, just in case it rains!

12. Spaghetti jars and wine bottles can be saved from family and friends to make some awesome DIY vases!

13. Get married in the morning on an off day, like a FRIDAY or a SUNDAY. If you get married in the OFF season, like March or November, then you'll get a better rate too!

14. Have donuts or desserts instead of a cake! Nothing says "I love you" like smashing their face into a cheesecake! Haha.

15. Paper can be used in SO many ways in your wedding. You can use it to make Paper Cranes for an awning during the ceremony. You can make some bookmarks as favors. .You can even make some pretty cool crafts and decor with it!

Christal Marshall