Our True Passion

Did you know that you have the power to change the world? I'm not just talking metaphorically. I mean actually. I know that I can. I've seen it in action.
Out of 2,000 different designs that we've made on our store, and over 180,000 photos that we've taken, our greatest accomplishment will not be our products and our services. It will be what we did with every thing that we had been given.
We know as business owners that doing something to give back and to spread the Good News in our ultimate goal. That's why in 2013, a year after we became a business, we decided to help a cause.
At first, we started small: raising money for ONE well. We thought God blessing us with an extra $1,400 was a lot. We had no idea that he would bless us to now give THREE wells to impoverished villages. That means that over 1,500 people as of now can have fresh water, free of parasites and contamination.
After we built that first well, I was addicted- addicted to seeing more and more people getting clean water. Because according to our partner Gospel for Asia, it's not just about giving clean water. It's about opening the door for greater conversations about the Living Water. You see, every well is built strategically, in front of a church or pastor's house. Not only that, but on every well, the message of Jesus is written on it. So when the entire village comes to get their daily amount of water, they will be reminded of the TRUE LIVING WATER.
I know this year something has really changed in my heart. I subscribe to so many photography blogs and websites. I know that the January and February is usually the time for my colleagues to attend conferences and hear some amazing speakers in the business about the latest trend, equipment and methods.
At first, I thought that I would be jealous to not go, or even be considered to go.
But then I had this vision.
I had this vision of me, when I am 50 years old. What would I want to be recognized by? My style, my award winning photos? Or something greater.
We have a life goal of building 50 wells- that means that we have the potential of reaching 250,000 people with this message.
I had a vision of all the people that we could potentially help in a lifetime. Could be thousands- hundreds of thousands of men, women and children that not only could the message of Jesus through one well, but also receive a way to live, work and play with out having to walk miles and miles to get a dirty bucket of water.
Compared to the population of India and China- 250,000 people doesn't seem like a lot. I know it might seem like a drop-in-the-bucket. But it's going to be the purest, cleanest drop yet.
Want to see more about our campaign? Visit our Water.Life.Love.'s website: www.waterlifelove.com

Marshall Arts Studio is a Photography and Graphic Design Team in Chesapeake, VA.
We serve families, students and couples with amazing images that will be cherished forever. We would love to work with you! Contact us below to get in touch with us!
Also, 10% of our proceeds goes to building fresh water wells in South East Asia through our Water. Life. Love. Project. Check out the details here: www.waterlifelove.com.
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