Why I Am Okay with Meltdowns.

So we're in Walmart.
Yes. That's how I'll start it.
It's 3:00PM and we are getting groceries. I have a 10-month-old, a three-year-old and a 6 year old all in tow. Of course my middle has the munchies- again. Of course I don't have random snacks in my purse- that's why we are grocery shopping. But my little son doesn't understand why we just can't eat all the bananas in the cart.
Now it's getting to that magical part of the day where all H#LL breaks loose and everyone starts to unravel.
It's meltdown time.
Momma's- you know what time that means. Time for tears,
screams, pushes, dragging of the little feet, maybe even throwing something- in other words, time to get out of the store as soon as you can.
But how?
We still have to wait in line behind Coupon Lady and Two-Cart Terry (you know the person that doesn't have a membership to Sam's, but goes to Walmart to buy bulk?)
Oh, and of course baby is hungry and I don't have my cover- again.
So now my 3 year-old and my 10-month old is in full meltdown phase. And I'm stuck in the store.

I love and hate being in this predicament all the time. I love it because that's part of my job of parenting, but I hate it because it's MY JOB in parenting.
I don't get to the be the fun grandma that get's to bribe with candy and screen time.
I don't get to be the cool uncle that every time he comes over- it's "Let's play a game!"
I get to be the one that has to be tough and firm.
I have to say, "No, we can't have a cookie." or "No, we can't buy that right now, because we just spent $45 on DIAPERS today!"
And that's usually when meltdowns happen- when the "N" word is used.
The word that is so little, but yet so packed with meaning. The word that can draw tears faster than a speeding train.

But I am okay with the word, "NO." And as parents, I feel like it's our little secret weapon.
A lot of parents I have met don't know how to use the word. They feel as if their kid is allergic to it- they are afraid of the dreaded meltdown.
No means that I'm setting boundaries. It means that I'm not letting them do whatever they what whenever they want it.
It means that I love them.
Even though they don't understand it now. And they probably won't understand it until they are 30, they'll thank me later- at least I hope so.
So meltdowns- even though you annoy me- just know that I'm the boss and there is nothing you can do about it.

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