Are you team tortoise or hare? : business 101 pro tips
💪💪small business thought of the day

I’ve been doing this 13 years slow and steady always wins the race guys.
thing about The Tortoise and the Hare
everybody wants to be the hare.
Everybody wants a Speed Ahead.
Everybody wants to get their first place.
Everyone wants to be the showboat.
Everybody wants to be a million followers on Instagram.
all these things happening.
Who wants to be the tortoise?
He's considered slow nobody's cheering for him.
But he slowly slowly plotting along making sure.
That he just continues going continues pushing through while the hate is showboating
while the hare is taking pictures of people
while their hare is doing whatever he's doing.
The tortoise is just slowly making it through
and I can't even tell you how many posts I've seen this week
people and artists that I've personally worked with that have disqualified themselves or have purposely put themselves out of the race-Of business ownership or creative Artistry whatever-they’re doing.

Because they have this fast “microwave” mentality-
And I can't even tell you how many times that I’ve had to have the mental fortitude to just slowly plod along
slowly make little changes
slowly make little steps and be the “Crock-Pot” mentality
I might not be there till 5 years from now 10 years from now.
I have to be okay with that.
I have to be okay with whatever season I'm in Ihave to be okay with learning.
I have to be okay with stepping back

taking classes,
whatever I need to do.
So that I'm not just fast and hard.
I am slow and steady.
So if you feel like you're just slow and steady.
join the club join - The Tortoise Club because I’m not going to fulfill my dreams and goals-For 5 -10 years from now.
Yep, that's the long term mental fortitude you-need to develop and the grit you need to develop-To run a successful business
that's not going todos qualify you

that's not going to disqualify your family
your marriage
your health your Wellness
your mental energy.
You need to have the long-term mentality that you’re slowly learning
slowly bringing things to fruition
slowly manifesting stuff.
And that way when you do finally hit a milestone that you're really proud of -you can enjoy the fruits-of your labor.
So if you feel like you're not really making a lot of Headway and a lot of people are speeding past you.
It's okay.
Smell the roses.
Learn and grow slowly learn and grow cuz I can'teven tell you how many times.
I've seen people that their Instagram is popping.
Theirs is fire.
But they are wasting their mental energy -their-spiritual energy.
and they have to bow out of their craft and their creativity

and I never want to have that be said of me.
I want to create the rest of my life.
I want to have the goals of creating until I'm 90.
I want to still come up with amazing ideas in my in my 90s in my hundreds.
Hopefully -God willing.
I want to keep my physical body and my mental energy-strong enough to last.
So I'm heading the gym.
I'm hydrating.
I'm keeping my head down.
I'm doing healthy snacks -popcorn.
I'm not fueling my body with crap
not doing junk food.
I'm making every meal at home because I'm thinking long term.
And so hey business owner -feel discouraged.
It's okay!
join The Tortoise Club come chill out-with me in the Tortoise Club.
We're going to be here a while. Okay.
But if you feel like you're just running the ratrace and you're speeding the head.
Take some lessons from the tortoise.
Have that Crock-Pot mentality and then there you go.
There's my little pep talk for you today.
Hope you're sticking with it keeping that grit up.
And stay creative guys have an awesome day.

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We’ve been shooting and running several creative businesses for over 12 years!
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