Do these successful business habits first before paying for ads on google or facebook

Before you pay for Facebook and Google ads and pay Mark, Zuckerberg money to boost your stuff, Try these habits first.
Post daily
with a call to action and a bunch of hashtags, in your market and go to So you know what is trending and what the algorithm likes.
if you have twenty to thirty dollars a month to pay Mark Zuckerberg, in advertising- take that twenty to thirty dollars a month, and put it in a client's hand.
Talk to a past client that Loves you and is a cheerleader for your business and you give them that 20-or 30 dollars. Or spread it out between a bunch of people and gives give them some marketing content from canva.
Have them shout your praise on their stories. Have them do a video on for you.
make sure you are posting helpful content including reels or TikTok’s at least once a week.
Shareable, relatable and reachable short videos of something helpful are the best.
So, if you're posting every day with a great call to action with a great hashtag, if you're paying your past clients, to do a shout-out or stories for you, and if you're doing helpful shareable, awesome, content- I'm telling you, try that first before paying for Google ads, and Facebook ads.
see more resources here:

I am a child wrangler, a girl boss, a media creator, a business mentor, a professional domestic engineer, Captain of the Hot Mess Express and most importantly- an imperfect but constantly progressing disciple of Christ.
We coach, teach, shoot, set up events and build reclaimed decor and adventure mobiles out of our home studio in Chesapeake, VA all while raising three amazing but crazy children.
Follow our loco lives on our IG accounts:
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