Should I borrow other photographers camera equipment? - no! And this is why- pro photographer business tips
📸📸Have you ever gotten this text from a photographer friend: “Can I borrow some equipment?”

✅instead of borrowing other people's equipment- professional photographers
❌Because then you're now liable for breaks or if something drops.
🤯I can't even tell you in 12 years how many lenses that I've broken on the job- cracked cameras or other breaks.
🤯You do not want that on your conscience.
So instead: do these 2 websites:
🎉 They are 2 great resources that you can borrow lights.
🎉You can borrow cameras.
🎉You can borrow stands
🎉you can buy an entire sound equipment everything that you need
✅and then you just charge it to the job and sell the client. “Hey, I have to rent this equipment.”
✅ do this instead -so that you're not getting into some pickles with some local photographers.
📸📸Have any pro biz questions?
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